The Language Ab Initio Student Workbook covers all the components of this language acquisition course and provides a step-by-step guide to the various assessments. Each component is broken down into its various parts, and plenty of advice and practice are provided in order to ensure that the student is fully prepared when it matters most. This workbook is supported by online resources on the author’ s personal website.
The introduction of a personal Portfolio helps the student create an ongoing record of their learning and allows them to manipulate the language according to the assessment tasks, the formats and the criteria. By making language learning fun and personal, the Ab Initio student will find a great deal of motivation to create, share and reflect on content in the target language.
The IB Language Ab Initio Student Workbook focuses in great detail on :
- Paper 1 - Composition
- Paper 2 - Listening Comprehension
- Paper 2 - Reading Comprehension
- the Individual Oral
- the conceptual understandings
- international-mindedness
- the features of the text types
- developing a personal Portfolio
- developing study skills
- and many, many more ...
Product Details
Author: Ronny Mintjens
Publisher Name: Mintjens Press
ISBN (12 months): 9789887875666-12
ISBN (24 months): 9789887875666-24
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